What if we told you there is a faster and simpler method of assessing non-complex property claims that benefit you, your customers and your staff?
Claim Central has identified and successfully operationalised a ‘virtual assessment’ stream for simple/noncomplex property claims that offer convenience to all stakeholders including policyholders and assessors delivering convenience and increased productivity.

Imagine a property assessor or estimator arranging a site assessment. They’ve received the claim and completed the triage and arranged for site attendance. They’ve scheduled the next available timeslot for the policyholder and assessor within the coming days. The assessor reviews his calendar and the travel time between site visits, while the policyholder may arrange time off work, daycare for the children and or work in between that timeslot.
They perform the assessment, take a few pictures, and drive back to the office to complete the report and scope of works, then the claim is submitted to the client for approval in the following few days.
Let’s imagine this again, but with virtual remote assessments.
Envision a property assessor arranging a site assessment They’ve received the claim and completed the triage and arranged for a virtual assessment, within seconds, have sent the insured an SMS invite to access our virtual collaboration web-based portal.
The insured accesses the customer portal with a single click and, via live stream, collaborates with the desktop assessor, who guides the customer in real-time to create the report and scope of works.
All photos, videos, receipts, and other claim-related content are synced within minutes to the portal and safely stored for any time reference. The virtual assessment was completed within 20 minutes with no kilometres travelled, with seamless connection and most importantly time saving for both the assessor and the policyholder – customer convenience at its best!

How does Claim Central achieve this?
Claim Central’s aim is to provide the best possible claims experience for clients, customers, and staff no matter the complexity, size and or location. Claim Central’s ability to ‘think differently’ based on experience and feedback from clients, their customers and staff to then create new innovative processes to modernise old traditional methods.
The ‘virtual assessment’ process is a prime example of traditional vs. modern thinking. The traditional physical field attendance is what the industry is used to and for most suppliers is a regular practice. However, with virtual assessments, this unique offering powered by streaming video technology enables faster attendance for customers, increased productivity for assessors, and avoids needless delays on simple claims.
Traditionally field assessments take longer, provide little convenience to customers and, in rural and regional areas, can prove costly to insurers – not only in dollars but resources and their assessor’s valuable time.
A standard field assessment from the day a claim is lodged to the report submitted can take anywhere between 5-12 days.
With virtual assessments on straightforward claims can take 1-2 days and it’s been proven in cases – even just hours.
Claim Central utilises a virtual collaboration software, Livegenic. Livegenic instantly allows the customers and policyholders to remotely connect and interact with a desktop assessor and instantly view damages, engage emergency services, and complete the assessment in real-time. Not only a video streaming product, Livegenic has multiple digital customer self-service features such as digital signature and pay gateway that expedites claims to finalisation.
Virtual assessments have been embedded and operationalised in the Claim Central claims process for over five years, where Claim Central has isolated specific perils and damage types that fit the criteria of virtual assessments.
Claim Central not only has a stream to fast-track straightforward claims, provide exceptional customer experience, and save time and costs, but also guarantees the accuracy of scopes and reports for your claims.
Click here to learn more about how Claim Central utilise Livegenic.

Ready to stop using the field assessments when the more accessible virtual approach is available?
Ready to try virtual assessments? Click here to get in touch with our team today.